RED GOLD Growers Use Drift Watch

Roger Gunning (Contributor)

Even Red Gold growers can experience damage to their tomato crops from spray drift

during the growing season. While the level of spray drift damage may change in severity

each year, the consistency that Drift Watch provides is essential to bring awareness to the

location of our sensitive tomato crops. This awareness is beneficial in order to reduce costly

spray driftHowever, we have found that over the last twelve years, we have experienced a

decline in our drift claims with the use of Drift Watch.

Drift Watch greatly reduces cost for both the grower and the applicator of

sensitive crops through reduced drift claims and lost time.

If you are an applicator, the cost of joining Drift Watch may seem to be an unnecessary

expense. However, in perspective, your membership is less than an average spray drift


At Red Gold, we proudly promote Drift Watch and have successfully experienced its

advantages through fewer drift claims.

 Choose Drift Watch. You will be glad you did!


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